e-Liquid Review - Glazed Donuts, Fury, Police Man
February 09, 2016Donuts galore. People have jumped from the cereal and yogurt train to the donut train. The plain glazed juices are good but all seem to taste similar. Also, they need high temps to get the sweet flavor, it seems. Yet, we have found some excellent donut and fruit combinations. We've also added a few new lines recently. I'll cover some below.
This month I used v2 of our Cumulus Maximus RDA for tasting.
Here are the e-liquids I'm vaping this month:
Loaded - Glazed Donuts: Most of the glazed flavors I've tasted are identical. They're OK, not great. But, this one stands apart. I think they added more sweetener to balance the baked glaze taste. Everyone in the warehouse agrees this is a BIGTIME ADV winner. If you're a donut fan, invest in some of this. Minimal throat hit ... smooth nic.
ANML - Fury: As expected, this juice blew me away. The ANML folks pride themselves on being top-notch, and they certainly are. When you vape their juices you instantly can tell they're using the highest quality ingredients. This flavor captures the sweet milky cream of Frosted Flakes cereal. Amazing!
One Hit Wonder - Police Man: Another new flavor from OHW that's another winner. Their juice (especially their nic) is distinctly delicious. It's handy that it comes in 180ml bottles because I vape through tanks of the stuff. They combined donuts and cereal on this flavor, and it works. It's like eating Lucky Charms while biting into a Krispy Kreme donut. Suhweeet!
Quickie eJuice: This is unique, thick, dark, syrupy juice. You're going to want new cotton for this, and you'll be changing the cotton when you change flavors. This is very close to the powdered drink we grew up with. It's the most delicious chocolate vape I've found. Just a tiny bit of hazelnut balances it out. A little pricey, but worthwhile.
Ronin - Emporer's Krunch: This is a fruit cereal milk vape, and it's absolutely up there with the other greats like Looper. They balanced the fruit and cream just right. The throat hit was minimal at 3mg. Really love the creamy clouds from this. Definitely an ADV. Performs great in tanks too.
That’s it for this month. Vape on, my friends!