Collection: Rebuildable Atomizers (RBA) - Bigger clouds, more flavor.

Rebuildable Atomizers include dripping atomizers (RDA), and tank atomizers (RTA). These vape atomizers allow you to install custom coils. If you build your coils, make sure you test their resistance making sure there are no shorts or hot spots before installing and using them. If you are using a temp control vape device, you'll want to use either stainless steel, nickel, or nichrome coils or your vape mod may not correctly read the temperature.

MaxVaping's rebuildable atomizer (Cumulus Maximus) is one of the finest on the vape market with a two-post design correctly set up for you to install your vape coils. Take it a step further and install one or two of MaxVaping Pre-Built Coils and you'll be saving time and money and enjoying huge, flavorful clouds.

When you build and install your custom coils, make sure the device is completely safe. Measure your post holes to make sure you install coils that fit. Check the coils before installing them to be sure there are no shorts or hot spots. Measure the coil resistance and make sure your device can handle the resistance. Be sure to tighten the post screws and be careful not to allow the coils to touch each other or the metal casing, as that will cause a short and could damage your device.

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