How harmful is vaping?

I am not a doctor. This is my opinion as someone who has been involved in this industry since 2013. I was never a smoker, but I began vaping low-nicotine vape juice to help decide whether to carry certain lines. In my experience, shared with many customers of ours, vaping is NOT harmful when used properly. Just like eating. Eating is not harmful unless you eat something toxic.

All of the negative headlines and reports about vaping illnesses are derived from Big Tobacco's (BT) efforts to keep people smoking and dying. BT is also behind the ridiculous campaign of exaggerating teen vaping as an epidemic caused by advertising to children and flavored vape juice. This is complete nonsense. No vaping company is looking to sell to children. We want adults vaping and using vaping to quit or avoid smoking cigarettes.

As far as vape flavors go, where is the outcry about flavored vodka (cotton candy, strawberry) and whiskey (cinnamon and peanut butter)? What about flavored energy drinks? Coffee? Are these targeted at children? Of course not. Believe me, if there were a way to light a cigarette and have it taste like banana bread, BT would do it and promote the shit out of it.

Nicotine is addicting? Yep. So is caffeine. So is alcohol.

Look, if you are a smoker who is looking to quit smoking because it KILLS you, vaping is the best option hands-down. Do you really think chewing nicotine gum, wearing a patch, or taking a pill with horrible side effects is going to work as well as inhaling what is essentially flavored steam? No chance. Inhaling burning leaves is unhealthy. Inhaling flavored steam (within reason) is not even close to as dangerous as smoking.

I hope people realize that the base ingredients in vape juice (PG and VG) are prevalent in many products consumed daily, including inhalers. Are we concerned about people with asthma inhaling vapor? Why not? Because it is fucking harmless and it helps make people feel better.

Please don't fall for the vape juice ban hype. It's bullshit. It's all funded by BT. They are killing people (including children) and have been for decades. Vaping is responsible for lowering the number of children smoking. We do know the long-term effects of vaping. NOTHING. People have been vaping heavily for 5+ years and there are no reported illnesses from vaping LEGIT vape juice. The recent issues were ALL related to vaping BLACK MARKET THC cartridges.

Support your local vape shops. Support online merchants. Correct misinformed people who spout falsehoods about vaping. Resist the BT bullshit. Fight BT's efforts to keep killing people from smoking. Vape on!

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